London, UK


London’s urban ropeway has given the city an innovative means of crossing the River Thames since 2012 as well as providing an exciting landmark. It is also an integral part of the capital’s transport network.

The Emirates Air Line links the Greenwich Peninsula with Royal Victoria Dock and forms part of a scheme to revitalize the Royal Docks area. Pedestrians and cyclists enjoy a fast, comfortable ride across the Thames at a height of 90 m.

As the UK’s first urban ropeway, the new lift is firmly integrated into the public transport network for the Greater London area and operates from 7 am to 9 pm. The ropeway is named after its sponsor, Emirates Airline, and its slogan “Have a good flight with Emirates Air Line” underlines the importance of the ride experience.

Doppelmayr was award­ed the contract for the ropeway equipment by the UK­ based international consultancy and construction company Mace, which acted as principal contractor for the project.